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Writer's picture: mekmek

Updated: Sep 4, 2020


The extradimensional entities that have come to be known colloquially as 'Imps' are a species of lesser demon native to Hell, often encountered in large numbers by security personnel serving in Argent Energy facilities. As per Chairman Hayden's request, what follows are the findings and observations of UAC science teams tasked with examining the live specimens that were recovered following the incident at the Mars facility.

The average Imp stands seven feet tall and has a lithe, muscular build. In spite of their height, they have a somewhat hunched posture, often dropping to all fours for faster locomotion or while clinging to surfaces.

Their skin is a dark purple in color, and while it was originally assumed to be thick and leathery, later inspections revealed it to be smooth and yielding. Our assumption at this early stage is that this covering of flexible, soft epidermis in some way aids thermoregulation in the harsh environment of Hell, allowing the body to shed excess heat.

The Imp also sports a protective covering of tangerine-colored armor that seems to sheath some of the more vulnerable areas of the body such as the chest cavity and outer thighs. While initially assumed to be a hard exoskeleton not unlike those of Earth's native insects, hands-on studies helped conclude that this material is flexible and rubbery, perhaps so as not to impede movement. This adaptation likely contributes to the inhuman flexibility and agility that the Imps exhibit.

Given their affinity for fire, the Imp's body temperature is noticeably higher than that of a human's. Science staff report that their skin is warm to the touch, even through their surgical gloves, and that the temperature inside the body cavities is even higher.

Recent specimens have been discovered with large, fatty deposits located on the torso, just above the pectoral muscles. They are comprised primarily of adipose tissue that is soft and springy to the touch. Their use in combat has not yet been determined, but science staff report that they are rich in nerve endings, and appear to be glandular in nature.

The Imp's strength is comparable to that of an adult male human, and their favored method of attack involves the use of their sharp claws to cut and stab at soft targets. They will also conjure balls of flame by channeling energy from their native realm, employing them as projectile weapons.

The Imps that were recovered on Mars have adapted surprisingly well to life in captivity. After initially making repeated, frenzied attempts to eviscerate UAC science staff who were tasked with examining them, their attempts eventually became less...lethal. While they will allow personnel to conduct extensive and even invasive physicals, these often result in violent outbursts that require the specimen to be forcibly restrained.

One valuable detail that we gleaned during this process is that, while usually aggressive towards those they view as vulnerable, Imps will submit if one exhibits especially dominant or violent traits. This behavior has likely been ingrained as a result of their interactions with the far larger and more dangerous demons that share their environment, where submission and appeasement may be the only means of escaping an encounter unharmed.

As the head of the research facility, Doctor Pierce has understandably become closely involved in the project and has taken an interest in the sociological aspects of the experiments. She has expressed her belief that these creatures are highly social, and that attempts to interact with them more closely should be made. This has resulted in some rather...unsavory results that I debated whether to include in my final report. I have the utmost respect for Doctor Pierce, both as her subordinate and as her colleague, but I have found myself questioning if the course that she has set us on has any real scientific validity.

Included are video files recorded from one of her 'sessions', in which a member of the security staff was allowed to interact with one of the unrestrained specimens for an extended period of time. It should be noted that the staff member in question suffered minor lacerations and abrasions during the incident, but has so far declined any hazard pay or compensation. It is difficult to maintain one's objectivity in such an environment, especially when senior members of staff are openly encouraging this kind of behavior.

Testing out Ghost0fOnyx's new imp model. Flavor text by Snekguy


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